
Postpartum Mood Disorders: The BirthCircle Podcast

I recently sat down with Sarah from the BirthCircle podcast to discuss postpartum mood disorders and other women's issues surrounding pregnancy and birth. Here are some highlights from our conversation:

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My Personal Journey: Beliefcast Podcast with Todd Sylvester

I recently had the privilege of sitting down with Todd Sylvester of the Beliefcast Podcast to discuss my personal and professional journey. As a private practitioner, I have worked primarily with women but have helped all different clients with topics like emotional management, differentiation of self, how to care for yourself and your family, and assertiveness in relationships.

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Are Your Thoughts Sabotaging Your Relationship?: Good Things Utah

Have you ever tried to mind read someone or were convinced you understood their feelings without even asking them? If you do this in your primary relationship, your thoughts may be sabotaging things! Here is a quick strategy to make sure your thoughts aren't hurting your relationship.

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5 Common Marriage Questions Answered: Good Things Utah

Every married couple has problems, so why is it that when we're struggling in our marriages we can feel so alone? I recently sat down with the ladies of "Good Things Utah" to answer some marriage questions that viewers had written in.

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How to Identify and Heal From Manipulative Relationships

Manipulation is an extremely broad topic, and it can be difficult to even know where to begin the conversation. To start, a manipulative relationship is one in which an individual seeks to control or use another person; to get him/her to do something or think a certain way by being controlling and dominating.

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Do Your Kids Define You?: Studio 5

Being a good parent requires a tremendous amount of time, love, and energy, but what happens when a Do your kids define you?well-meaning mom or dad becomes too enmeshed in their children's lives? Over-involvement can unknowingly do damage to kids, who then become responsible for their parents' well-being and happiness. On the other hand, parents who can draw a separation between themselves and their children are emotionally healthier and are actually able to give more to their families.

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