How can I stay engaged and active in the LDS Church as a working mom and a feminist? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks

In this episode I talk with Sylvia and answer the question “How can I stay engaged and active in the LDS Church as a working mom and a feminist?” Sylvia shares the story of a painful experience at Church that has left her wondering if she sustains her leaders. In fact, she has chosen not to renew her temple recommend because she isn’t sure if she can sustain her current bishopric.
The word sustain has two main definitions. I used to think that sustain meant agree, but I see the word differently now. We talk about what the word actually means, and I invite Sylvia to consider what it would mean if it were okay for her to disagree with her leaders. Ultimately, we each get to decide what it means to us to sustain.


How should I approach my daughter’s upcoming baptism when I don’t believe 8-year-olds are capable of making this choice? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks


How do I know if I want kids because I genuinely want them or because it’s always been expected of me? Ask Dr. Julie Hanks