Rediscover You

Connect with Your Self. Question Culture. Create Partnership.


  • Dr. Julie Hanks Sitting by a Wall


    It’s time to prioritize your feelings, thoughts, needs, and wants and continue to develop your sense of self. To help you do this, I made a free guide on how to recognize 10 signs of a healthy self.

    This guide can help you know where to start on your journey to optimizing your personal development. Click below for your free digital download.

  • Dr. Julie Hanks Membership


    For a fraction of the cost of a coaching or therapy session work with me and connect with other like-minded women in a safe and supportive community. If you’re a woman with a Latter-day Saint background who doesn’t fit the typical mold, this membership is for you!

  • Computer accessing Dr. Julie Hanks Courses


    My individual courses focus on personal power, families, faith, and nuance. Each course is short and digestible, lasting between 60–90 minutes.

    Course topics include faith transitions, partnership families, mixed-faith marriages, reparenting yourself, rediscovering yourself while mothering, and more. This small investment will make a big difference in your life.

Join Rediscovering You Group Coaching Community

This month’s theme:

Redefining Your Roles Outside of Motherhood

Your worth is not tied to motherhood. While motherhood can be a huge part of your life it’s a relationship, not a role, and your status as a mother does not define you.

Part of rediscovering yourself, stepping into your power, and living the life of your dreams is redefining the roles and passions that fulfill you. My goal for you this month is that you’ll learn that you can trust yourself to know what’s best for you.

You do not need to be a parent to benefit from this topic. Together let’s rediscover yourself and learn how to redefine your roles outside of what is expected of you from family and society.


Hi, I’m Dr. Julie Hanks

I’m a lot like you. I’m a wife and mom integrating home and work life, personal growth, and relationship growth, all while sorting through messages from my conservative religious culture and teachings as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’ve spent too much time feeling not good enough, dealing with mental health issues, trying to heal shame, and trying to please everyone. I want to share what I’ve learned on my personal and professional journey to set healthy boundaries, become more confident, and feel empowered.

I’m also a licensed therapist, owner of Wasatch Family Therapy, coach, author of The Assertiveness Guide for Women, relationship expert, TEDx speaker, media contributor, college teacher, online influencer, speaker, and performing songwriter. I have nearly 30 years of experience counseling women, couples, and families.

I want to help you take charge of your life and your faith, develop confidence in your life’s missions, and find your authentic voice in your life, your relationships, and the world. It's time for you to take the leap and step into your power.